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About segments, links and channels

Segments, Links and Channels : You may have been referring to these three words many times throughout the day, but what is it or what is the difference between them, you may not have knowledge well, but today in this article I will tell that what is the difference between segments, links and channels. As you all know that is dedicated to Telecom related problems, so first I will explain what is the difference between Segments, Links and Channel with reference to Telecom Sector, then I will explain what is Segments, Links, and Channels in terms of Internet.

In the context of the telecom sector, I will try to tell only through the image, seeing which you all will understand very easily what is the difference between segments, links and channels. What are segments and links, in the terms of Internet, all this information will be provided in this article, for which you will have to read the entire article. 

(Duplex) Link Segments

Link Segment

Patch panel (in a cross connect) or outlet (at the work area). In the telecom sector, this type of optical network is called (duplex) link segment. If you are from the optical network field, then looking at this image will not take you any time to understand what segments are.

You can READ HERE # What is Fiber Channel ?

Horizontal and Backbone Link Segments

Horizontal and Backbone Segments

You look at the image carefully and try to understand which part of the optical network is called horizontal segment and which part is called backbone segment.
The optical network from the telecom room to the equipment room is called the backbone segment and the part from the telecom room to the work area is called the horizontal segment.

Optical Network Link


The part of the optical network that connects the telecom room, equipment room and work area together is called a link. As can be seen in the given figure.



If you look at the image carefully, the part of the optical network that extends from the work area to the network equipment is called a channel. You also have to look at the arrangement of the Rx and Tx here. Now do You Certify Links or Channels?

➤Patch cords contribute negligible fiber loss.
➤In optical network system using the proper (one reference jumper) method, link attenuation measurements include the loss of the near-end and far-end connections.
➤Therefore now you will always certify links (not channels) in premises fiber optic networks.

Now I will tell in the context of internet what are links and segments and what do we understand by this.

You also READ HERE # What is Channel Margin?

What is link?

Link is such a word, which we often find on social media or on any other kind of platform. A link is a direct and easy way to access any product or service on the Internet. Links are also a medium to reach any product or service to the public. Links are very important for Search Engine Optimization of any blog and website.

Actually links are those codes, which take us directly to any web page or website. Link means link, which takes the user directly to their desired site. Links make a very important contribution to any web page or website.

Friends, Hyperlink whose short form is Link, it is an HTML object that helps us to go from one page to another when we click on it. Hyperlinks are found on almost all web pages. If put in simple words, a link is an HTML object that serves to connect two web pages.

Any web page can have links attached to text, images and other HTML objects. Generally the color of the link is blue but you can change its color with the help of HTML and CSS. When a link is attached to any text, its color becomes blue as well as underline, but nowadays the underline is removed from all the websites so that the website looks good.

When the link is attached to any image and if you move the mouse cursor on that image which is called Hover in HTML then the size or effect of the image changes so that we know that the link is attached to it.  With this, we get to know very easily what is the link address of this image, what is the size also.

What are the types of Hyperlinks or Links?

There are two types of Hyperlink or Links – Internal and External. But if you search about it on the internet, then you will come to know about many links, so I am telling about almost all the links.

Internal Link : It is a link that, after clicking on any text, image and other HTML object, is redirected to another page within the same domain, that means another page of the same domain is opened. When you open a website, you must have seen that all the websites have a menu bar, in which after clicking, it is redirected to another page, that means another page gets open. Its called internal link.

These are the links that you can put in the post on your blog. In this, we can put a link to our or any other post inside our blog post. Those are called internal links. As much as SEO is important inside a blog post or article, the link is equally important. Due to internal links, the page view of the blog increases, and the bounce rate decreases. Your old post also gets ranked through internal link.

External Link : External link is called a link which after clicking is redirected from one domain to a specific domain that means to another domain. Such a link, which is added to another website for extra knowledge, is called an external link.

What are Inbound Link or Backlink?

Inbound or backlinks are those links through which your blog posts get ranking quickly. In this, when another blogger puts a link to your blog or your blog post in his post, it is called Inbound or Backlink. Backlink is very important for both your blog and SEO. If you adjust the backlink in the right place and in the right way, then it ranks your post very quickly, and it also increases the DA i.e. Domain Authority of your blog.

What are outbound links or external links?

These are the links in which you put links to someone else's blog inside your blog. Suppose I put an external link related to the content available in my blog inside any blog available on my site, then it means that we have put an outbound link or external link in our blog. Such links are posted to give you additional information.

Difference between outbound and inbound links?

Outbound link is a link that after clicking is redirected to another website that means a link that points from your website to a specific website or any other website is called outbound link. Many people say that if you add an outbound link to your blog post, then your blog will be penalized by Google, but it is not so, friends, if possible, add an outbound link in every post, which is SEO. It is better for this and if you are adding a link to another blog or website which is not popular, then make it no-follow.

Inbound link is a link that comes to your website from another website, it is called inbound link. Inbound link is also called backlink which we get by commenting on someone else's website. Google penalizes such a blog or website which has many low quality backlinks. Low quality backlink is called a backlink that is coming from a low quality website or blog that means its traffic does not come much and there is no blog or website related to your website. Therefore, never make too many low quality backlinks in the pursuit of making backlinks.

Internet Link

Link is the address of a website, which is written in the URL, the link is the address of the website or any organization, by opening which anyone can reach that place, as you are repeatedly called by me, below A link has been given, which is opened and (and does its work) then the link contains the address of any internet place, through which the website can be reached, then you must have understood, what is a internet link.

Relative Link and Absolute Link

Relative link is called a link that does not contain any domain name in the link, that means a link that does not include any domain name is called a relative link.

We use relative link at the time of internal link when we have to link any other page of our own website. As you are seeing the first link above in which domain name is not available and that is why it is called Relative link.

Absolute link is such a link in which the domain name of any website is included that means the link in which the domain name is included is called Absolute link.

Absolute link is generally used in external link when we have to link to another website. You are seeing in the second link above that the domain name is available, due to which it is called Absolute link.


The word segment is used multiple places. The word segment means, divide, cleave. We would not be wrong to say that a segment is a subset of your Analytics data. For example, of your entire set of users, a segment might have users from a specific country or city. Other segments can be users who purchase a specific range of products or who visit a specific part of your site.

Segments allow you to isolate and analyze those subsets of data, and then analyze and respond to the constituent trends of your business. For example, if you find that users in a certain geographic area are no longer buying as much of a range of products as they normally would, you may see that your competitor's business is less likely to buy similar products. Not offering on price. If that's the case, you can offer loyalty discounts to those users as a retaliation, making your prices lower than your competitor's.

You can also use segments as the basis for an audience. For example, you can create a segment of users who visit your menswear related pages and then target only those users (your audience) with a remarketing campaign that you add to those pages. Stay focused on new items.

Types of Segment 

A segment is made up of one or more protected filters (filters that do not alter the underlying data). These filters break down a subset of users, sessions, and hits:

➤Subsets of users: for example, users who have made purchases in the past; Users who add items to their shopping cart but don't complete the purchase
➤Subsets of sessions: for example, all sessions starting with Campaign A; All sessions during which a purchase occurred.
➤A subset of hits: for example, all hits that had a revenue greater than $450.

You can include filters for users, sessions, and hits in the same segment. This Analytics user model describes how to map segments to the Analytics data hierarchy:
➤Users: People interacting with your property (eg, your website or app)
➤Sessions: Interactions of a single user are grouped into sessions.
➤Hits: Interactions that occur during a session are called hits. Hits include interactions such as page views, events, and transactions.

Use of Segments

Through your reports when you apply a segment and navigate, the segment remains active until you remove it. You can apply up to four segments at once and compare different data side-by-side in your reports. In addition data can be analyzing with segments, you can also use them to build audiences.

Analytics includes predefined segments (system segments) that you can use as is or copy and edit them to create new custom segments. You can also create your own segments from scratch. In addition, you can import segments from a free marketplace called the Analytics Solutions Gallery, where Analytics users share segments and other solutions they develop.

Segment Boundaries

The segments you create or import have the following limits: Total Segments

➤1000 per user for segments that can be applied/edited in any view (segment availability: I can apply/edit segments in any view).
➤100 per user for segments that can be applied/edited by that user in that view (Segment Availability: I can apply/edit segments in this view).
➤100 per view for segments that can be applied/edited by all users in that view (segment availability: collaborators and I can apply/edit segments in this view).

For example: Users can have the following:
➤1000 segments that can be applied/edited in any scene and
➤100 segments, which can only be applied/edited by that user only in view A .
➤100 segments, which can be applied/edited by that user only in view B.

A view can contain:
➤100 segments per user, which can only be applied/edited by that user in that view
➤100 segments, which can be applied/edited by any user in that view only.

After these limits are reached, you cannot create or import additional segments. These limits do not apply to the system segment.

Segments to be applied to the report. You can apply up to 4 segments to your reports at once.

Segments Date Ranges

User-based segments allow you to apply a maximum date range of 93 days to your reports. If your date range is already set to more than 93 days, Analytics resets the date range to the next 93 days from the start date when you create a user-based segment. The maximum limit of the segment is 31 days based on the Date option of the first session.

User-based segment data limits : As mentioned above, the user-based segment has a maximum date range of 93 days. For those 93 days, Analytics reports only the initial 1000 sessions for each user. The number of sessions that occur beyond a 93-day period is usually an indication of nonhuman traffic.

Multi channel funnel: Do not use segments with the Multi Channel Funnels report. Use conversion segments instead.

Google Ads cost data: Google Ads cost data is not consistent across segments. If you apply a segment to a Google Ads report that contains cost data, all values   in the cost data will be zero.

Last Word

Friends, as I told above that according to the telecom sector and according to the Internet, what are the segments, links and channels, I will tell. I have tried one maybe this try is very good according to the information. If you also like the given information about segments, links and channels, then pass it on to others.

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